5thgradeDHTourFrom April 1st to April 5th thirteen fifth classes from the Edwardsville school district conducted their field trips to the Madison County Detention Home. The tours were lead by Jon Volkmar the assistant director of the detention home.

     The topics discussed during this years 5th grade DARE class tours of the Madiosn County Detention Home included the criteria in which a juvenile is sent to the detention home and the daily routine that the detention home kids are on during their stay at the dentition home. The students were able to take a short walking tour with their first stop being the recreation room in the basement. The mural painted on the wall was painted by the kids in the detention home. There are two statements on the wall that the DARE students read out loud. The message that the students receive from the readings include the importance of individual freedom as well as an understanding of how important family is to someone.


     Finally the students are able to go into the cells. The first thing that the students notice is the lack of privacy, and the small mattress and concrete bed. At the end of the tour students can ask questions and one student from Mrs. Sinn’s class from Columbus School asked if the books in the day room were for the kids in the detention home. Mr. Volkmar stated that they were and that the books were donated. The students from Mrs. Sinn’s class decided to collect used books to the detention home. Officer Thompson and Officer Williams delivered several cases of books to the detention home to contribute to the day rooms collection.


     The DARE Program and the Edwardsville Police Department would like to thank Mr. Volkmar and the staff of the Madison County Detention Home for their continued support of our DARE Program.